Waitlist & Reservation
Zero-stress Waitlists and Reservations?
Yes, Chef.
Waitlists and Reservations by Minitable keep customers informed in real-time.
hungry customers
can be happy customers
Your guests have better things to do than wait. Minitable's automated solutions can independently manage your capacity and overflow. You don't have to lift a finger to keep the line moving.
Minitable X Google
Over one billion people use Google to learn more about the world. With Minitable, each of these users is now a potential customer.
Google Buttons Reserve with Google is now available at Minitable. Your guests can make a reservation and join the waitlist directly from Google Search or Google Maps.
Customizable backend features put you control of online traffic, party size presets, and table availability down to the minute.
Know your customers before they arrive.
Are they vegetarian? Prefer dressing on the side? Minitable smart tags keeps it all top of mind:
Customizable smart tags let your staff know customer preferences right away.
Professional data analysis reports bring beyond surface-level insights. Keep track of customer trends over time.
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Waitlist & Reservations
Waitlist & Reservations
Waiting is hard. Make it easier with our AI-powered Waitlist & Reservation system. Keep customers informed and engaged with interactive, real-time updates sent right to their phones.
Turn your frequent customers into loyal advocates with Minipass, our comprehensive and modular loyalty management tool.
Online Ordering
Online Ordering
Remove unnecessary barriers between your customers and your kitchen. With high-powered Online Ordering, your business can experience unprecedented sales growth quickly.
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Get true customer satisfaction
with Minitable Waitlist & Reservation